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MiStEr_ShAoLiN's AntiRecords

Profile | Ranks (16) | Records | Awards | New Stats (04-13-07) | AntiRecords | Guides | Videos | Forum Profile

These are stats that, frankly, could use some help.

Game Level Category Division Stat Players Date Order Desc
Shadow the Hedgehog Air Fleet Time Hero 6:11:66 68 11-26-05
Shadow the Hedgehog Cosmic Fall Time Dark 5:28:46 74 11-26-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Hedgehog Hammer Score Amy 3,600 116 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Speed Highway Score Tails 4,550 110 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Lost World Rings Knuckles 4 109 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Sky Deck Rings Tails 55 114 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Casinopolis Rings Knuckles 15 116 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 0 Boss Sonic 0:30:04 132 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 2 Boss Knuckles 1:01:59 101 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Egg Hornet Boss Sonic 1:06:58 125 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 6 Boss Knuckles 1:30:46 92 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 4 Boss Knuckles 2:01:29 96 11-02-05
Sonic Adventure (DX) Emerald Coast Time Sonic 1:59:73 279 11-02-05
Knuckles Chaotix Techno Tower 1 Time Levels 1:43:13 26 11-01-05
Knuckles Chaotix Speed Slider 4 Time Levels 2:15:63 20 11-01-05
Knuckles Chaotix Speed Slider 1 Time Levels 1:22:18 24 11-01-05
Knuckles Chaotix Marina Madness 3 Time Levels 2:50:78 17 11-01-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cosmic Wall Score Mission 5 99,990 91 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Weapons Bed Rings Mission 1 1 115 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Prison Lane Rings Mission 1 36 158 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cosmic Wall Rings Mission 5 50 89 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Sky Rail Rings Mission 5 1 92 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cannon's Core Rings Mission 5 2 78 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mission Street Rings Mission 5 2 100 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Rings Mission 1 3 114 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Security Hall Rings Mission 1 1 107 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) White Jungle Rings Mission 5 20 109 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Dry Lagoon Rings Mission 5 3 103 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Route 101 Rings Mission 1 209 90 10-31-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Crazy Gadget Rings Mission 5 1 92 10-31-05

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Player ID: 686
Hits: 4,319 | Hits This Month: 94 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 801.11 KB | Time: 0.14s | Printable

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